DiPense - library

An OSINT tool for IT ninjas

Release v0.1.5

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First we recommend creating a virtual environment python -m venv venv and then activate it source venv/bin/activate

Once that finish now install the library using pip install dipense and wait for the installation basically the library was uploaded using sdist (Source Distribution)

After that create a new file let call it route.py in the file put the below code

from dipense import payloads
from dipense.structure import helper

if __name__ == '__main__':

save the file and navigate to where the file is located in terminal and your are ready to go

To find information about a domain name run the file like:

python route.py payloadwho -d google.com


python route.py payloadwho --domain google.com

To find information about an ip address run the file like so below, and the command require root previlage (super user):

python route.py payloadip -i


python route.py payloadip --ip

You can also specify a flag of -o or –open to True this will automatically open a webbrowser showing you where that ip address is located, like:

python route.py payloadip -i -o True


python route.py payloadip -i --open True

To find information about a phone number run the file like you see below, be sure to start with the country code of that phone number:

python route.py payloadnum -n +2349083513047


python route.py payloadnum --number +2349083513047

To see positional argument and flags available run the file without any flag or positional argument like:

python route.py

DiPense at a glance (docker)

DiPense at a glance (docker)

DiPense at a glance (pypi)

DiPense at a glance (pypi)